
Grant Program Eligibility

Agencies of the government of the State of Kansas or any of its political subdivisions are eligible to apply.

Did you know?

Since inception, INK has granted in excess of $5 million toward greater access to government information and services.

Investment Objectives

  • The INK Board will provide grant revenues to support the INK Statutory and Strategic Objectives, the State Strategic Information Management Plan and/or the INK Strategic Plan.
  • The INK Board will review grant requests to promote greater government, citizen and business access to state and local government information products and services.

Normal grant submissions must be received in the INK office during the month of May or November to be eligible.

Mini grant requests, less than $5,000, may be brought to the INK offices at any time. The request will be introduced to the INK Board of Directors at the next available scheduled meeting.

Matching grants have no minimum limit, are subject to INK funds availability and may be brought to the INK offices at any time. Matching grants must demonstrate matching funding sources and explain why the grant request cannot wait until the next grant cycle for normal grant request.

INK Granting Policy and Procedures (updated June 1, 2019)

If you have questions related to this or the grant process, please contact the INK Executive Director.

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M – F: 8am – 5pm
Phone: INK ( 785) 296-2408
Address: 109 SW 9th Street, Topeka, KS 66612

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